Handle Hard Better
/Here at TBT, we acknowledge and accept certain truths that come with being human:
Challenges and problems are a part of life, as is pain. These are out of our control.
In the face of these realities, we will need to put in constant work.
Our relationship to, and how we story, challenges and the work required to manage or solve them is within our control.
The work required to face challenges and solve problems is a way to find meaning and purpose in life.
The harder the problem is to manage/solve, the greater the reward received for the effort.
In comes the concept of handling hard better. Inspired by Duke Women’s Basketball Coach Kara Lawson’s “Handle Hard Better” speech, the phrase “Handle Hard Better” signifies a commitment to get better at managing the struggles and challenges of life, rather than wishing that those struggles and challenges weren’t happening to us in the first place.
It’s a reminder that facing hard things is an inevitable part of life; we shouldn’t wish for an easier route. Instead, we should see hard challenges as an opportunity to grow and stretch ourselves. The work we do to Handle Hard Better is work that will be meaningful and ultimately work that builds self-efficacy and self-esteem.
But don’t worry if this all feels like a daunting task or a huge shift in how you currently view life. You don’t have to go at it alone. Reach out today to schedule an appointment with us and let us help.
And while you’re at it, pick up one of our new hats and/or stickers, so you can remind yourself and those around you to Handle Hard Better!